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C++ program to take input in two Matrix in 2D Array and Print Them

Write a C++ program to take input in two Matrix in 2D Array and Print Them.

using namespace std;
int main()

int row,col,row2,col2;
cout<<"Enter the number of rows of 1st Matrix: ";
cin >> row;

cout<<"Enter the number of Columns 1st Matrix: ";
cout<<"Enter the number of rows of 2st Matrix: ";
cin >> row2;
cout<<"Enter the number of Columns 2st Matrix: ";

int array[row][col];

  //taking input.

 for(int index_row=0;index_row<row;index_row++)    //here "index_row" is controlling the row of the matrix as well as contolling index of matrix. 
  for(int index_col=0;index_col<col;index_col++)      //here "index_col" is controlling the Columns of the matrix as well as contolling index of matrix.
    cout<<"Enter the "<< index_row+1<<index_col+1 <<" value of 1st Matrix : ";       // Here I use "index_row+1" and "index_col+1" because i want to show user it is the 11 index or 12 etc, starting from 1, but in program "index_row" and "index_col" is actually starting from 0.


int secondarray[row2][col2];
 for(int index_row=0;index_row<row2;index_row++)
  for(int index_col=0;index_col<col2;index_col++)
    cout<<"Enter the "<< index_row+1<<index_col+1 <<" value of 2nd Matrix : ";      // Here I use "index_row+1" and "index_col+1" because i want to show user it is the 11 index or 12 etc, starting from 1, but in program "index_row" and "index_col" is actually starting from 0.


  // Printing Output

 cout<<"Your 1st Matrix is : "<<endl;

 for(int index_row=0;index_row<row;index_row++)
  for(int index_col=0;index_col<col;index_col++)
    cout<<array[index_row][index_col]<<" ";
  cout<<endl;    // this cout is used to move to send line after printing the 1st row.

 cout<<"Your 2st Matrix is : "<<endl;

 for(int index_row=0;index_row<row2;index_row++)
  for(int index_col=0;index_col<col2;index_col++)
    cout<<secondarray[index_row][index_col]<<" ";
  cout<<endl;  // this cout is used to move to send line after printing the 1st row. 

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Write a program in C++ to take input in 2 Matrix in 2D Array and print them.

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